Welcome to Rediscovering Normal™

Create the Life of Your Dreams by Changing Your Thoughts

Rediscovering Normal™ is all about creating the life of your dreams by changing your thoughts!

Rediscovering Normal™ is unlearning what the world has taught you to believe is "normal"

It's embracing who you are called to be and leaning into that desire to create the life of your dreams!

Do you feel like you are made for more but worried about going against the norm? So often, you live life with the expectations of “normal.” I’m sure you have an idea of how you’d like your life to play out based on what you know, what you’re used too. When life doesn’t go as planned, you feel like you aren’t happy or as happy as you think you should be, based on your expectations of normal

Normal looks different for everyone. Everyone has a battle they are fighting with the enemy. I struggled with figuring out who I was - a mom, a wife, an ex-wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend. But if I took away all that, who was I?! I had to focus on Rediscovering Normal™ in all areas of your life.

Join me, as I take you on my journey of Rediscovering Normal™, and share with you what I’ve learned about:

Healing, Self-Awareness and Loving Yourself as God loves you

Marriage, Divorce, Coparenting, and Friendship

Obedience, Praying & Reading the Bible

It's time to stop letting the enemy control your thoughts and start living the fruitful life God has planned for you. It’s time to start your journey Rediscovering Normal™!

check out the podcast

Are you ready to start Rediscovering Normal™?

Let’s work together!

You deserve to live the Life of Your Dreams!

Start Rediscovering Normal™

"May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; may the Lord look with favor on you and give you peace." Numbers 6: 24-26

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